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The Love of God


Our world is a multifarious environment, where many people live below acceptable living standards. Countless individuals struggle daily to achieve their dreams of becoming wealthy or influential in society. For some people, wealth seems the ultimate path to happiness, as they believe material possessions will improve their lives. They become so focused on pursuing transient earthly riches that they neglect God, the true source of happiness and true wisdom.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus Christ offers a striking proclamation on the radical demands of the Kingdom of God. He clarifies that eternal life cannot be attained by human efforts alone but only through the grace of God. A young rich man asked Him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Surprisingly, His response to him: “No one is good, except God alone”, seemed to have engendered a conundrum among the disciples, concerning His divinity. However, He only wanted to correct an impression. That a preacher must never draw people’s attention to himself to avoid self-glorification, but to God, (Psalm 115:1).

The Challenge of Letting Go of Riches

Jesus Christ praised the rich man for following God’s commandments since his youth, but He wanted the man to be free from any hindrances to eternal life. He was surprised when Jesus told him, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the needy, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” Unfortunately, the man was angered and left saddened by the command, saying in his heart, to hell with eternal life!

This made Jesus Christ exclaim: “How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the Kingdom of God…it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than rich people to enter God’s Kingdom (Mark 10:23-25)!” Actually, Jesus is not condemning the acquisition of wealth, which is also a gift from God (James 1:17). But to detach ourselves from them; always willingly and generously putting them at the service of the less privileged. Hence, material wealth should never become an obstacle in serving God or gaining eternal life.

True Wisdom: A Key to Detachment

Following Christ requires total submission to His teachings and detachment from earthly riches, which often distracts from God’s purpose. As Jesus says, no one can serve two masters (God and wealth) at the same time (Matthew 6:24). To achieve this level of spiritual freedom, we need true wisdom, as exemplified by King Solomon in the first reading.

God answered Solomon’s fervent prayers by granting him divine wisdom, which he valued above all worldly riches and honors. He considered wisdom a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the breath of God’s power and an unending radiance that brings true good to humanity’s welfare. Unfortunately, many people, however, lack this true wisdom. That’s why they become overambitious, jealous, selfish, and constantly crave wealth as if they’ll live forever. St. James says, “Anyone who lacks wisdom must ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given” (James 1:5).

Living Wisely in Everyday Decisions

In the second reading, we are called to live, act, and think wisely as true Christians. Our secret thoughts and motives are always known to the omniscient God, who will judge us on the last day. True wisdom, according to St. James, is the ability to discern truth and gain practical knowledge of the deeper things of God. This divine wisdom is reflected in humble actions, personal relationships, and daily decisions. It is pure, peaceable, gentle, obedient, merciful, and faithful (James 3:17).

A wise person learns to give things their proper importance. He makes choices according to God’s plan and fosters a deeper intimacy with Him. One crucial aspect of true wisdom is the ability to forgive those who have wronged us. A wise person understands the necessity of forgiveness. He tries to be free from the burdens that may prevent entry into the Kingdom of God.

Setting Priorities for Eternal Life

Dearly beloved, in every sphere of life, the right priorities and sacrifices are key to achieving our goals. As Christians, we must carefully examine our consciences and always learn to set our priorities right. To gain true wisdom, we must be prepared to make sacrifices and practice detachment from earthly things. Sometimes, we desire good things, but the demands may scare us away. The question is, do we desire eternal life? If so, we must be willing to let go of possessions, riches, ego, and pride.

Husbands who desire healthy and happy homes must avoid infidelity. Wives who seek peaceful homes must honor and respect their husbands. Children seeking a better future must obey their parents. A young girl who desires a good husband must let go of her wayward lifestyle and embrace decency. A young man who desires a good wife must let go of promiscuity and commit to one person. A student who desires academic excellence must avoid phone distractions (social media), and idle talks, and focus on his studies. A salesboy or girl who wants to be settled well, stop stealing from your master or mistress. A businessman or woman who wants God’s favor and peace of mind must stop defrauding people.


To make the right choices and set our priorities according to God’s will, we need true wisdom. As Christians, we must recognize that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). True wisdom comes from studying the sacred scriptures and fervently praying to understand God’s will. Only through this wisdom can we detach from earthly riches and use them to help others.

Just like the young man in the Gospel, nothing valuable comes without sacrifice. Eternal life, the greatest treasure, requires that we let go of anything hindering us from following Christ sincerely. For some, like the young man, this means parting with material possessions. For others, it may involve letting go of pride, selfishness, or harmful habits. To achieve what we truly desire, we must be ready to pay the price today. Only by making the necessary sacrifices can we secure a future filled with God’s grace and blessings. What would you sacrifice for eternal life?


May the Almighty God grant us angelic wisdom and the grace to detach from worldly possessions, always using them to serve the less privileged and follow Christ’s path to eternal life. Amen.

Peace of Christ be with you… 

Rev. Fr. Ben Okala, C.S.Sp.

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