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The Love of God

Rev. Fr. Benjamin Okala, C.S.Sp


Welcome to our website, About “The Love of God” by Fr. Benjamin Okala, a platform for sharing reflections and homilies with the global world. Our goal is to provide an avenue for spiritual growth and development, offering weekly or daily reflections and insightful messages to help guide you on your faith journey.

For the past three years, our website has been devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through divine inspiration. There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit has contributed immensely to our spiritually inspired homilies and reflections, which have positively enriched the lives of numerous people all over the world and contributed to their daily spiritual healing and growth. These efforts significantly increase their faith and love for God, as well as their love for one another.


Also, we provide various resources for prayer and devotion, Some of our pages: including the dramatized audio bible, audio rosary, divine mercy prayer, gallery, my homilies, and prayer request can be of great help to you. We are committed to helping you grow, both inspiringly and thought-provoking.

We believe in the power of community and invite you to join us on this journey toward a deeper understanding of faith and spirituality. Whether you are a longtime Catholic Christian or not, or you are just starting on your spiritual path, our website has something to offer everyone. Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to growing with you.


About - the love of God upon Benjamin Okala

Rev. Fr. Benjamin Izuchukwu Okala, C.S.Sp. is a Roman Catholic Priest of the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers (Congregation of the Holy Spirit, Province of Nigeria, South-East). He was born on the 31st day of October, 1981 at U.N.T.H Enugu, Enugu State to the family of Late Sir. Benjamin Iwobi Okala & Lady Rosaline Uchechukwu Iwobi – Okala, KSJI of Ogbeotu village, Onitsha in Onitsha North L.G.A, Anambra State, Nigeria. He is the First Son and third child of the six children (two girls and four boys) of his parents. His home parish is St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Inland Town, Onitsha.

Rev. Fr. Benjamin attended his Primary Education at Ekulu Primary School, Enugu, Enugu State (1986–1992); his Junior Secondary School at St. Mary’s High School, Ifitedunu, Anambra State (1992–1995) and finished Senior Secondary School at Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, Anambra State (1995–1999). He also did his Tertiary Education at Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Unizik), Awka, Anambra State, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics Electronics, Engineering and Technology, (1999-2004). Having spent many years working in secondary schools during his seminary formation, even after his priestly ordination, he subsequently advanced his academic pursuits in the field of education, earning a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) in the 2022–2023 academic year.

Meanwhile, in 2003, he did his Industrial Training with Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited, Port Harcourt, Rivers State (Works & Maintenance Department). After his Tertiary Education, he was posted to Benin City, Edo State for his National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) program in 2005, and later gained full employment in a Telecommunication Company: Ultima Integrated Systems Limited, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; a company that works for Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited, Port Harcourt. There, he worked as the Field/ Systems Engineer (in-charge of Computers/ Internet & Satellite/ CCTV installations) and later was promoted to Administrative Assistant (Company’s representative in Project designs & Constructions), (2005-2009).

Rev. Fr. Benjamin started his Pre-postulancy (apostolic work) at Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala, Anambra State (2009-2010). After that, he proceeded to Spiritan Postulate, Akabo, Imo State where he did his Postulancy (2010-2011). Also Novitiate at Spiritan Novitiate, Awo-Omamma, Imo State (2011-2012) and his First Religious Profession on the 8th of September, 2012. His Philosophical Studies was at Spiritan School of Philosophy, Isienu-Nsukka, Enugu State (2012-2014).

Afterward, he did his one year apostolic work (Prefecting) at Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala, Anambra State as the School Auxiliary (2014-2015). After a successful apostolic work, he was approved to study Theology at Spiritan International School of Theology, Attakwu, Enugu State (2015-2019), where he also acquired another Bachelors of Arts degree in Religion and Cultural Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Higher National Diploma in Theology and Master’s Degree in Theology from Duquesne University Pittsburg, USA.

Rev. Fr. Benjamin never dreamt of becoming a Priest before. In fact, as someone who got employment in a reputable company immediately after his graduation from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, he was planning to marry and then settle down in 2008. Meanwhile, he determined to pattern his life the way our Lord Jesus Christ lived and to become one of His disciples forever. He devoted his life to helping the less privileged, preaching the Word of God with love daily, so that people may see Christ in his character and utterances and then repent genuinely and live righteously.

At a point in 2007, just like the divine encounters/ call of Isaiah, Jeremiah, St. Matthew, St. Paul, St. Augustine, etc., Rev. Fr. Benjamin started having an inner yearning and a driving force to serve God in a very special way, and that became a disturbance to him. As if that was not enough, he began to have a series of revelations both physically and spiritually (dreams/visions). Moreover, some people, having encountered him, started making some comments: “This your way of life may lead you to the priesthood.” Others were like: Why don’t you want to become a priest? That anyone who has the Spirit of discernment would see priesthood boldly written on your forehead, and your own is not hidden.”

Surprisingly, even one of the ladies he was thinking of settling down with as a wife, gave him a shock of his life. After preaching in her family house, she joyfully exclaimed:  “I will go to Seminary schools and tell them that one of their brothers is here; that something is wasting away.” This particular statement troubled him so much; owing to his previous experiences. He tried to ignore and discard these unprecedented disturbances about priesthood because he saw himself as unworthy to be called to that Sacred Ministry based on his past life experiences. But the revelations continued unabated; more than eighteen (18) different times.

Consequently, he began to notice that he was much happier and joyful when preaching to people, rendering selfless services in the Church, and supporting the less privileged with his resources than the engineering job he was doing. Sequel to this, after several daily prayers/ meditations in the Chapel before the Blessed Sacrament for more than 6 months, and then consultations with his Parish priest and also his spiritual director at Mater Misericordiae Parish, Rumuomasi, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, he made up his mind to enter the seminary. For a year, he started reading several books and articles about the priesthood, and these helped to build up his courage.

Hence, he wrote application letters to the Onitsha Archdiocese, Nnewi diocese, and four Religious Congregations (Spiritans, Redemptorists, Missionary of St. Paul, and Society Mission). Fortunately for him, he was invited for an interview by the Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans) which was successful. Subsequently, he resigned from his job in 2009 and joined the Congregation.

Meanwhile, he never told his parents about this initially, because he did not want them to discourage him. As the first son, they were already expecting him to marry and settle down. When he eventually told them at the verge of resigning from his job, it was like a bombshell to them. But later, after prayers, they accepted it as the will of God.

Despite his unworthiness and weaknesses, God still called him to work in His vineyard, just like St. Matthew the Evangelist (a Task Collector & Working-class) whom he shares some life experiences with. First, while in Unizik, he was the Taskforce Chairman of the Student Union Government (SUG) in his 3rd year and the Chief of Keggite Club International of the school in his 5th year. Before he entered the seminary, he was also working in a reputable company in Port Harcourt, and later abandoned it and followed Christ more closely, just like St. Matthew did when Christ called him.

Rev. Fr. Benjamin is humble, obedient, caring, selfless, generous, and courageous. He is a man of unshakable faith. He possesses some good leadership qualities. In addition to the ones mentioned above, during his Youth Service (NYSC), he was one of the best Platoon Leaders. He also led the Computer department in his office at Port Harcourt, and held other leadership offices in his seminary days, just to mention a few.

Furthermore, he is proficient in Electronic/ Computer configuration and repairs, as well as Satellite installations and networking, Graphic and Web designing; an Artist, and a Formator of Students. He is very gifted with musical instruments, especially the beating of drums.

Just like his uncle: Emmanuel Okala (MON), who was one time Nigeria’s best goalkeeper, Rev. Fr. Benjamin is also a good goalkeeper and table tennis player. He was the goalkeeper of his department in Unizik and also in Port Harcourt. Besides, he was the Best (No.1) goalkeeper in the Seminary: Novitiate, Philosophy, and Theology for 8 years before he sustained an injury. When he recuperated, he resorted to coaching and later won an award during the Rector’s Cup Competition in the 2018/ 2019 session as the Best Coach of the tournament.

Rev. Fr. Benjamin is a member of the Eucharistic Adorers, Confraternity of the Holy Spirit, and Catholic Charismatic Renewal – Evangelical and Intercessory Ministries. He loves studying the Scriptures, praying, meditation, and visitation of the Blessed Sacrament. He finds inner joy through the Holy Eucharist and Sacrament of Reconciliation.

He also likes helping people, especially through prayers, counseling, and then making peace. Furthermore, he is much happier when people are first satisfied positively and comfortable, particularly people whose income is below the poverty threshold, the sick, needy, and marginalized.

Most of the time, to answer Divine Call, one must pass through difficult or trying moments in order to be purified and equipped for the task ahead. In this regard, Rev. Fr. Benjamin passed through Divine Furnace since he entered the seminary. He had several health challenges, that wanted to thwart his journey to the priesthood, but through the help of the Holy Spirit, he survived all the challenges that encroached on him.

Amidst all the challenges, his faith in Jesus Christ remained unshakeable. He never despaired, but always thanked God with a grateful heart, approaching every challenge with smiles and seeing them as his own share of suffering in following Christ. To God be the Glory!

  1. Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala, Anambra State   –    (2009-2010)
  2. Fr. Philip Agu Spiritan Academy, Akabo, Imo State    –    (2010)
  3. Spiritan School of Philosophy, Isienu-Nsukka, Enugu State    –   (2013)
  4. Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala, Anambra State      –    (2014-2015)
  5. Spiritan International School of Theology, Attakwu, Enugu State   –    (2016)
  6. St. Martins of Tours Catholic Parish, Ihiala, Anambra State   –      (2017)
  1. Lectorate                         –        (4th December, 2016)
  2. Acolyte                            –        (25th November, 2017)
  3. Final Profession              –        (3rd August, 2018)
  4. Diaconate Ordination     –       (4th August, 2018)
  5. Priestly Ordination         –        (21st September, 2019)

By the special grace of God Almighty, Rev. Fr. Benjamin Okala is the First Indigenous Holy Ghost Priest of Onitsha since 1885 (138 years ago). That was the reason why he was ordained alone by His Excellency, Most Rev. Dr. Valerian Maduka Okeke, the Archbishop of Onitsha and Metropolitan of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province, on Saturday, September 21, 2019, in his home parish at St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, Inland Town, Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.

After his Priestly Ordination, he worked at Holy Ghost Academy, Amaokpala, Orumba North L.G.A, Anambra State  (a mission school established by the Holy Ghost Fathers and Brothers Province of Nigeria, South-East) as the Dean of Studies, Teacher, and Formator. He was also the Y.C.S. (Young Catholic Students) Chaplain and the priest in charge of the school’s I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technology) Department (2019–2023).

Currently, he is working at Father Philip Agu Spiritan Academy, Imo State, as the Vice Principal Academics and Dean of Studies. Also, he is the ICT manager of the school.

Rev. Fr. Benjamin has determined to pattern his life the way Jesus Christ lived His life on earth, and to become one of His disciples forever; by acting in obedience to His will and commands.

Thus, he has decided to be a Saint, to live a life of holiness and virtue, and to stay away from sin. To preach the Word of God every day of his life, anywhere he finds himself, in order to bring back the strayed and enlarge the Kingdom of God.

To fulfill God’s divine purpose for his life and finally return to the Almighty God to rule with Christ forever.

“All I want is to know Christ and the Power of His Resurrection, that I may associate in His suffering and participate in His Death (Philippians 3:10).”

“Love is Sacrifice. True love is to sacrifice one’s own comforts, energy, time, resources, and talents for the sake of others; being merciful and compassionate, as well as giving a listening ear to the less privileged, weak, depressed, etc. Where there is no sacrifice, there is no love, and where there is no love, then there is no Christianity.”

According to Fr. Benjamin, he can only achieve all with the help of the Holy Spirit, Amen (Philippians 4:13).

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