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The Love of God


On this 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, we are called to reflect on the profound and often tumultuous journey of faith. Today’s gospel reading presents us with a powerful metaphor that resonates deeply with the current challenges our nation is facing. Just as the disciples found themselves in a boat caught in a violent storm, so too do we feel tossed about by different categories of storms. These could be natural storms that God permits (sickness, disappointment, death, etc.) or human-made storms of bad leadership, corruption, and economic hardship.

In such dire and seemingly hopeless situations, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and to believe that our boat is on the verge of capsizing. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of quagmire and despair that we must anchor our faith in Jesus Christ, who is capable of calming the raging storms and bringing peace to the troubled waters of our lives. Join me as we reflect on the profound message of hope from Jesus Christ.

Our Country Like a Ship Tossed by Catastrophic Storms

A Ship Tossed by a Catastrophic Storms

Imagine a country blessed with abundant natural resources adrift in a tempestuous sea. The winds of bad leadership howl relentlessly, tearing at the sails of our hope. Nepotism and tribalism divide the crew, pitting brother against brother. The dark waves of insecurity (kidnapping and violence) have continued to threaten the fabric of our society. Members of the victims would sell their properties to pay ransom to the kidnappers, either via cash or bank transfer. Yet we receive news daily that our security agencies are seriously protecting the citizenry. Is it inflation and the high cost of living that batter the hull, leaving some families struggling to feed at least one square meal per day? Many people are dying because of hunger and sickness, due to severe hardship.

Regrettably, corruption has permeated every sectors, thereby weakening the very structure of our society. Election rigging and fraud have eroded the trust that should anchor us. Bribery within the judiciary allows the wealthy to evade accountability, thus perpetuating inequality and injustice. What about embezzlement of public funds by those in the corridors of power, which adds weight to this already sinking ship? Civil servants, the backbone of our nation, are left with meager wages. To pay them a reasonable minimum wage is very difficult for our leaders, but these so-called leaders indulge in extravagant spending. This financial mismanagement steers us off course towards an uncertain future.

Why do the Righteous Experience Heavy Storms like Job?

Why do the Righteous Experience Heavy Storms like Job?

Life, as depicted in the book of Job, is a rugged terrain where disasters can strike both the righteous and the wicked. Job was a blameless and righteous man, but he suffered terribly through the devil’s temptation, which God permitted. He lost his wealth, family, and health in a sudden twist of fate. His life is a testimony that debunks the notion that suffering is a result of sin people commit. As the scripture says, “good people suffer grievously, but God delivers them” (Psalm 34:19). However, this raises the question: Why do the righteous experience heavy storms in their lives like job?

The book of Job offers no easy answers but reminds us that faith can be an anchor amid life’s storms. Job’s suffering could be seen as a cosmic test of faith or an inevitable part of living in a fallen world. His story teaches us that suffering can affect anyone, regardless of their moral status. Our lives are really a journey across the sea of time to the shore of eternity. If life on earth is smooth, how many people would think of God or strive for eternal life? Certainly, God wants us to return to Him after our earthly sojourns. Sometimes, He continues to send us warning messages via sickness, sorrows, disappointments, and deaths (1 Samuel 2:6–10). These are intended to make us sit up and realize that we are pilgrims on a journey. So, we are liable to suffer many mishaps and inconveniences before we reach our final destination (John 16:33)

Our Hope in the Face of Despair

Our Hope in the Face of Despair

Dearly beloved, even when we feel like our nation is tossed about by a merciless storm, there is hope. The Book of Job offers a glimpse into the immense power of God. In the first reading, we see how God responded to Job’s questions about his suffering. He reminded Job of how limited his knowledge is about His sovereignty over creation, even the mighty sea. Thus, Job ultimately reaffirms his faith by trusting in God’s sovereignty. This reminds us that we should always trust in God in all circumstances for He will surely deliver us. He has the power to calm the storms of our lives and bring order out of the chaos. Even in our darkest moments, we can find hope in God’s enduring presence (Psalm 97:5).

Moreover, we can become Christ’s instruments for calming the storms in people’s lives, by upholding honesty, justice, equity, and fairness. On the other hand, by eschewing greed, selfishness, nepotism, and tribalism, we can contribute to our nation’s growth and development. These actions pave the way for a brighter future, offering solace and hope, especially to those seriously affected by the national storm.

Faith as Our Anchor Amidst the Storm 
Faith as Our Anchor Amidst the Storm

The gospel reading recounts the story of Jesus Christ and His disciples inside a boat. There, a great storm of wind arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was on the verge of capsizing. But Jesus Christ was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. The disciples, filled with fear, question Jesus’ seeming indifference to their plight. Approaching Jesus Christ, they said to Him, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” But, immediately, Jesus Christ woke up and rebuked the stormy wind, and there was a great calm (Mark 4:39).

This story reminds us that Jesus Christ has the power to calm the storms in our lives, both physical and spiritual. It reminds us that God is in control of the world, and He never sleeps. He is always with us, and even when the storms of life rage, we must not be afraid, for His presence is there (Romans 8:31–37). Therefore, whenever we are passing through difficulties, let us awaken our master, Jesus, through fervent prayers. When we place our faith and hope in Him, we can find peace even in the midst of the most turbulent situations (Psalm 50:15). Even though we are facing an economic crisis, Jesus Christ has the power to calm the situation.

 A Call to Become a New Creation in Christ
 A Call to Become a New Creation in Christ

The second reading offers us a message of transformation. Through Christ’s sacrifice, we are offered the chance to become new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). Hence, St. Paul encourages us to dedicate our lives to God as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Him. Not conforming to worldly standards, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:1-2). By embracing Christ’s teachings of love, mercy, compassion, and justice, we can overcome the challenges that threaten us. As we strive to become a new creation, we pave the way for Jesus Christ to calm the storms we face.


As we navigate the cataclysmic challenges in our contemporary society, let us remember that our faith in Jesus Christ is our anchor. The storms we face, whether natural or human-made, are not insurmountable when we trust in God (1 Corinthians 10:13). Job and Jesus’ disciples faced some of these storms in their lifetimes, but God saved them. The story of Job reminds us that suffering can be a test of faith, because no condition is permanent. As the scripture says, “Do not be afraid of the sufferings that are coming to you. Look, the devil will send some of you to prison to put you to the test, and you must face hardship. Even if you have to die, keep faithful, and I will give you the crown of life for your prize” (Revelation 2:10).

We are also called to be instruments of Christ’s peace by upholding values of honesty, justice, equity, and fairness. By eschewing greed, selfishness, nepotism, and tribalism, we can deliver our nation from bad leadership and transform our society positively. Therefore, let us continue to carry our worries to God in prayer, for He has the power to calm any storm (1 Peter 5:7). In doing so, we find inner peace and become beacons of hope and agents of change in our communities. Just as Christ calmed the storm for His disciples, He can also bring peace to our chaotic circumstances.


I pray that the Almighty God may intervene and calm the storms in your life and in our nation. May the Holy Spirit transform your heart and strengthen you more to uphold love and justice through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Peace of Christ be with you…

Rev. Fr. Benjamin Okala, C.S.Sp.

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